Saturday, October 27, 2007

It's the most wonderful time of the year.

This time of the year really gets me going. It's high school football playoffs. High school basketball starts in a week. My ten year anniversary is next week. I have two boys with birthdays in November. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. For sure, it's the most wonderful time of the year.

It is also nice to be able to read the blogs of others who for better or worse I am related to. It is a nice quick way to be able to keep others in mind, and to share my thoughts and feelings. For example. It's nice to know that I am not alone in my struggles to feel as though I am more than just myself. I am important to others and would like to let others know that they are important to me. Sara, you are great and I will do what I can to convince you of this fact. We all have times when we are not our best. Just hope no one has a camera phone to share it with others. The Craven's would be a great addition to the state of Utah. Sara, Julie says hi. I also think of other relatives with young families in Kentucky/Ohio. I hope the best for you and Julie says hi.

I would be interested to hear from any male counterparts in my extended family. Get on and blog something about manly stuff. It seems I am always getting the female version of life outside of Utah. Let me define manly stuff so I don't get any unwanted information like how difficult is is to keep our wives happy. Manly stuff: Sports, occupations, sports, thoughts on church topics, sports, movies (no chick flick crap), sports, photography, sports (not soccer, that is an activity not a sport),any other suggested topics? Julie just informed me that the game I am watching is done with the half time show. Better go and catch the second half. Do I love sports too much? If/is that is even possible!?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Best 10 Years of My Life

Having an awesome and hot wife sure is nice. As if that wasn't enough she is also very protective and proactive in her efforts to nurture and raise our 3 sons. Our boys are allergic to almost everything it seems and her diligence in keeping them feed and safe is amazing. It is emotionally and physically taxing and she does it with limited help on my part. Thanks babe, your the best. My wife and I are arriving on our 10th anniversary in the near future and here is my list of the best items of my past (best) 10 years.

Our wedding day in the temple.
The birth of our 3 sons.
Getting my eyebrows plucked.
Watching my wife snowboard.
Blue eyes.
Our first house.
Orange hair.
Mini me brown eyes.
Little thumbs.
Chew boy.
Burnt foot from candle.
Slow to anger.
Quick to forgive.
Nothing personal.
Never felt marriage was in jeopardy.
Eternal families.
3 Mini Me's do as I do not as I say.
Hot baths.
Hot Wife.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Love What I Do

Who is lucky enough to enjoy going to work. Me. I am a high school teacher and basketball coach. It is not an easy job but I enjoy it. I think loving what I do for a living is great. Finding joy in small things is essential. I have created a blog in which my students can log on and see the small things they do at school to make life there enjoyable. It also helps me see the good things my students are doing. I love catching them doing good. I have been teaching/coaching for four years and consider myself lucky to have no sign of burnout yet. I am also very lucky to have a great wife who supports me in all I do for the school. Thanks babe. When a student shows confidence in themself or something they have learned it is great. Love to teach, teach to love.