Saturday, November 17, 2007

Only Active One

Just had a birthday party (for Jordan and Jarom) with the Alverson side of the family. I was extreamly surprised to hear that according to my mom I am the only one of her kids that is still active in the church (out of 6 kids). I have my wonderful wife to thank for helping me stay active. How could I not. I look to the church/gospel to guide my life in both good and bad times. I would still be bitter that my dad died young of cancer almost two years ago if I didn't know I would see him again in the next life. Knowing that my marriage is eternal and has an extra spirit of promise to help it brings me great comfort. Jordan will be turning eight this week and I will get to baptize him in December. I can hardly wait. With my dad gone and my other siblings not going to church that puts the pressure on me to continue to be an example. I am up to the task. Only eleven years to go and Jordan will be ready to go on his mission.

In other news:

The high school basketball season begins this week and I can't wait. Starting a new season is so full of hope and optimism. Coaching takes a bunch of time away from my family and weekends are so nice to have with family. Church on Sunday is also a great renewal to my spirit. I keep telling myself how lucky I am to be able to influence the lives of young athletes. GO BUFFALOES. Hopefully as a way of decompressing I can post some thoughts on the upcoming season and how it is going. Sara your awesome. Dory thanks for the updates on your blog.

1 comment:

Sara said...

when i read your blog i can feel the love you have for the church and it gives me strength. sorry that you are the only one active in your family, but i am greatful that you still are. I wish i could be there for jordons baptism, what a great day that will be.